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Collapsible Containers

While shipping containers are typically thought of as containers to be used for shipping, collapsible shipping containers bring a whole new angle. Collapsible shipping containers are very similar to regular shipping containers. The difference in the collapsible ones is that they are just that, collapsible. They can be moved very easily and set up anywhere.

Collapsible shipping containers come prepared to be assembled. Within five minutes of the delivery of your container you can begin the assembly process. These collapsible shipping containers come in separate pieces; the walls, floor, and roof. With a crew of four or five people you can get your shipping container assembled in less than an 30 minutes. The walls quickly go up and are easily secured together. Once you fit the roof , you’ll be ready to move your office furniture into or set up as you need it.

These containers aren’t ‘one size fits all’. Ask us about different layout options and let us know where you want doors and windows to be, as well as your color preference.

Applications and usage

There are seemingly endless possibilities for what you can do with your collapsible shipping container. Here are a few of the more common uses:

  • an office on a construction job site
  • a command center during a natural disaster
  • an emergency office, emergency housing
  • sales offices, kitchens
  • classrooms or computer data centers.

Whatever your needs may be, collapsible shipping containers are the economical answer to your problems. These containers typically come equipped with insulation and have electricity already wired in. This cuts out all of the hassle of you trying to transform a regular shipping container to fit your needs. You won’t have to cut out windows or doors where you need them or figure out the wiring on your own.

Collapsible shipping containers come with many benefits. You can always feel safe and secure inside even if you are surrounded by chaos. The insulation helps protect against noise and keep a quiet environment for you to work in. These containers are made to be fire resistant, and insulated against extreme temperatures. Of course one of the biggest benefits would be the simple fact that it is collapsible. You can tear it down and move to your next work site if you need to with little work or hassle on your part. These containers are made with products that are recyclable and economically friendly.